Tyson & Walmart Gaming
When a gamer is in the zone, the last thing they want to do is step away to toil in the kitchen to create a meal from scratch. Tyson wanted to position themselves as the solution to that problem, offering gamers oven or microwave-ready options that would let them stay in the game.
We brought that idea to life with a partnership with Activision Blizzard, integrating Tyson into the Hearthstone universe by pairing our products with the game’s mascot, Harth, with the Hearthstone Tavern as the backdrop.
We developed a microsite where shoppers could upload their participating Tyson receipt and redeem a free expansion pack.
To catch gamers’ attention pre-shop, we purchased ad space on Twitch influencers’ pages, as well as social media posts that would pulse throughout various stages of the campaign.